The Brat Pack Blog Train


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

PTU Tutorial - Spring in Fairyland

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against my TOU's.
This tutorial was written in 2011. This tutorial is copyrighted to Signature Collections Tutorials By Victoria and is registered with Tutorial Writers Inc.

Supplies Needed:
Tubes of your choice. I used Joel Adams Tubes art. You must have a license to use his art which you can get here:
PTU Scrapkit called Rustic Spring from A Taggers Scrap.  You can find this kit here: Thanks Jo!
Mask of choice. I used Vix mask298, which you can get here:
Plug-ins Xero - Porcelain
Font of your choice.
Plug-ins Xero - Porcelain

Let's begin shall we.
Open new image 600x600.
I used paper#5. Apply Vix mask#298. Merge mask layer visible.
Select the daybed and resize to 400x400, place in center of your mask.
Select chair and resize to 150x208, place on left side of daybed. Then mirror image and place on right side of daybed.
Select tubes, resize to fix your tag. I picked 4 Joel Adams tubes and resized the to 200x?.
Select floral #1, resize to 100x20, and place in one or two of your tubes hands.
Select grass, resize to 100x121. Place randomly around daybed at the bottom. Duplicate as many times as you like.
Select mushrooms, resize to 100x100 place randomly around bottom of daybed. Duplicate as many times as you like.
Select trolley, resize to 200x144. I placed one of my tubes in the trolley.
Select leaves #5, resize to 100x100. Place randomly around tag. Duplicate as many times as you like.
Select lantern, resize to 50x104. I placed it in one of my tubes hands.
Select sign #2, resize to 200x269. I placed it at the left side of my daybed behind my tube.
Merge all layers.
Go to effects, plugins, xero, Porcelain. Play with the settings until you find the look you want, then apply.
Add name, url, copywrite and watermark.

Resize, to the size you want your finished tag to be.

Save as PNG.
And woohoo, you are finished!
Thank you for trying my tutorial. I would love to see your results and would love to post them on my blog. Contact information is listed on this home page.
©Signature Collections-Tutorials By Victoria

Spring in Fairyland - Scrapbook Version

Sunday, March 27, 2011

FTU Scrap Kit - Gothic Romance

I am using a awesome FTU Scrapbooking  Kit by Ditz Bitz called Gothic Romance. You can find it here.

Monday, March 21, 2011

PTU Tutorial - Love Is In The Air

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against my TOU's.
This tutorial was written in 2011. This tutorial is copyrighted to Signature Collections Tutorials By Victoria and is registered with Tutorial Writers Inc.
Supplies Needed:
I am using a beautiful tube by Keith Garvey. You must have a license to use his art which you can get here:
PTU Scrapkit called Peachy Keen from A Taggers Scrap.  You can find this kit here: Thanks Jo
Plug-ins Xero - Porcelain
Mask by Vix #268, you can find it here:
Font of your choice.
Let's begin shall we.
Open a new image,  800x800.
I used paper#6. Apply Vix mask#268. Merge mask layer visible.
Select Doorway and copy and paste to new image.
Resize tube to fit inside of doorway. I resized mine to (300x303)
Resize bird (50x32) Place in random spots on tag.
Resize grass (100x75) place in random spots on tag.
Resize Greenery 4 (100x269) rotate to right. Place on left side of doorway. The mirror and place another greenery4 to right of doorway.
Resize greenery 3 (100x269) and do the same steps as you did with Greenery 4.
Resize tree (200x200) and do the same steps as you did with Greenery 4.
Resize Tree 3 (400x634) place behind door on left hand side. Duplicate and place behind door on right hand side.
Resize Flowers3 (50x50) place randomly around your tag.
Resize Flowerscatters1 (50x50) place randomly around your tag.
Resize Flower 3 (50x60) place randomly around your tag.
Select word art. Place it on top of your tag.
Resize Dragonfly (50x60) place randomly around your tag.
Resize Butterflies (200x96) and place then in front of your tube.
Merge all layers.
Go to effects, plugins, xero, Porcelain. Play with the settings until you find the look you want, then apply.
Add name, url, copywrite and watermark.

Resize, to the size you want your finished tag to be.

Save as PNG.
And woohoo, you are finished!
Thank you for trying my tutorial. I would love to see your results and would love to post them on my blog. Contact information is listed on this home page.
©Signature Collections-Tutorials By Victoria

Love Is In The Air - Scrapbook Version

FTU Tutorial (No Scraps) - Garvey Girls Come To Life

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against my TOU's.
This tutorial was written in 2011. This tutorial is copyrighted to Signature Collections Tutorials By Victoria and is registered with Tutorial Writers Inc.
Supplies Needed:
Plug-ins Xero - Porcelain
I am using the beautiful tubes by Keith Garvey. You must have a license to use his art which you can get here:
Open a new image (1000x1000).
Hit your print screen button.
Right click on your blank image, paste, as a new section. A-line the new image of you PSP in the center.
Promote to a layer. Select none.
Select your crop tool. I just selected the front of my screen. When you have selected the area you want as your frame, apply.
Select your freehand select tool. Select the inside of your PSP screen and delete. This should make your PSP a frame.
Now resize your PSP frame to (500x?) The size may very depending on what areas you selected for your frame.
Open a new image (600x400)
Copy and paste your PSP frame onto your new blank image. High center your fame.
Open a new image (500x?) Fill it with any color you wish. Then copy and paste behind your PSP frame.
Now it is time to select your tubes. First thing you need to remember is, all tubes must be by the same artist. You can not mix and match different artist on a tag.
I choice Keith Garvey. Resize each tube so they look like they are climbing out of your frame. This is the whole point of this tag.
Once you have placed each tube where you want them, merge all layers.
Go to effects, plugins, xero, Porcelain. Play with the settings until you find the look you want, then apply.
Add name, url, copywrite and watermark.

Resize, to the size you want your finished tag to be.

Save as PNG.
And woohoo, you are finished!
Thank you for trying my tutorial. I would love to see your results and would love to post them on my blog. Contact information is listed on this home page.
©Signature Collections-Tutorials By Victoria

Sunday, March 20, 2011

PTU Tutorial - Insidious

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against my TOU's.
This tutorial was written in 2011. This tutorial is copyrighted to Signature Collections Tutorials By Victoria and is registered with Tutorial Writers Inc.
Supplies Needed:
Tubes of your choice. I used Ted Hammond tubes art. You must have a license to use his art which you can get purchase:
PTU Scrapkit called Zsadist from A Taggers Scrap.  You can find this kit here: Thanks Jo!
FTU Mask number 6 by Butterfly Flutterby. You can find it here:
Font of your choice.
Let's begin shall we.
Open a new image,  600x400.
I used paper#4. Apply Butterfly Flutterby mask#6. Merge mask layer visable.
Resize Frame# 1 (500x385) and place on top of mask and promote to a new layer, select none. Go to effects and give it a drop shadow.
Resize Drape #3 (150x282) place behind frame. Erase any excess drape that is exposed. Duplicate and place on opposite side of frame.
Resize Bow #2 (150x277) place it in front of drape. Erase any excess exposed. Duplicate and place on top of second drape.
Resize Bow#5 (100x185) place it on top of bow #2. Erase any excess exposed. Duplicate and place it on top of bow #2 on the right hand side.
Resize Goblet (100x104) place on left hand side of frame.
Resize Candle (100x230) place on left hand side of goblet.
Resize Slave Band (50x50) place on right side of goblet.
Resize Wax Seal (50x50) place at top left hand side of frame.
Resize Candle #2 (50x182) place on right side of frame.
Select tube. Place tube like it is coming out of frame.
Resize Black Dagger (75x72) I placed it on top of my tubes hand to make it look like she is holding the dagger. I erased part of the dagger.
Resize Mirror (150x76) rotate to left. I placed it on top of my tubes hand to make it look like she is holding the mirror. I erased part of the mirror in between her fingers.
Merge all visible layers. Go to effects, and add drop shadow.
Add name.
Add url, copywrite and watermark.

Resize, merge layers visible.

Save as PNG.
And woohoo, you are finished!
Thank you for trying my tutorial. I would love to see your results and would love to post them on my blog. Contact information is listed on this home page.
©Signature Collections-Tutorials By Victoria

Insidious - Scrapbook Version

Friday, March 18, 2011

Liebster Blog Award **My first award!!!** Woohoo!!

I've received my very first blog award!! Thank you goes to Tasha at Tasha's Playgound. You rock girl!!!
The aim of the award is to bring recognition to blogs with minimal followers. Since I have accepted the award I must pass it on to at least 3 other blogs (but not more than 5), that have inspired me and I feel deserve a bit more attention. The rules are to say thank you on my blog to the one who passed it on to me and link to their blog (see above). Pick the blogs to pass the award on to, leave a note on their blog and then list them with links to their blogs...

The blogs I choose are:
Barbara - Xoiya's Creations.
Leigha - Leigha Blessings Designs
Pammers - Pammers


Thursday, March 10, 2011

PTU Tutorial - Welcome To My Spring Garden

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against my TOU's.
This tutorial was written in 2011. This tutorial is copyrighted to Signature Collections Tutorials By Victoria and is registered with Tutorial Writers Inc.

Supplies Needed:
Tubes of your choice. I used PinUp Tubes art. You must have a license to use their art which you can get here:
PTU Scrapkit called Spring Garden from A Taggers Scrap.  You can find this kit here: Thanks Jo!
Font of your choice.
Plug-ins Xero - Porcelain

Let's begin shall we.
Open a new image,  600x600.
I started off just by decorating the tag with the beautiful scraps that Jo made.
Select path png. Place it just slightly off to the left of your image. Add drop shadow.
Select diamond flowers scatter2 and add to tag.
Select berry scatter png, resize to 500x527. Place in random pattern on tag. Select again and mirror image and place in random pattern again.
Select fence png. Place just slightly above were the road ends. Add drop shadow.
Select arch png. Place it in front of the road entrance. Add drop shadow.
Select tube and place it in front of arch. Add drop shadow.
Select light post png. Resize to 200x610, add to right side of tag. Add drop shadow.
Select grass png. Add to right side of tag. Duplicate and add to left side of tag.
Select sign png, resize to 200x118 and place it in front of light pole.
Select spade png, resize to 200x401 and place on left side of tube behind grass png.
Select basket png. Place it on the right hand side of your tube.
Select buckets png, and place it on the right hand side of your tube.
Select pots png, resize to 200x130 and place in front of tube.
Select bird png, resize 100x100 and place on bucket.
Select bird2 png, resize 100x90 and place on bucket.
Select butterfly png and buttlerfly2, resize 50x40. Place them randomly around your tag.
Merge all visible layers. Go to effects, select plug-ins, Xero, and porcelain. Pick your own setting.
Add name place to bottom of the grass.

Add url, copywrite and watermark.

Resize, merge layers visible.

Save as PNG.
And woohoo, you are finished!
 Thank you for trying my tutorial. I would love to see your results and would love to post them on my blog. Contact information is listed on this home page.
©Signature Collections-Tutorials By Victoria

Welcome To My Spring Garden - Scrapbook Version

Sunday, March 6, 2011

PTU Tutorial - Steampunk Travel

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against my TOU's.
This tutorial was written in 2011. This tutorial is copyrighted to Signature Collections Tutorials By Victoria and is registered with Tutorial Writers Inc.

Supplies Needed:
Tubes of your choice. I used the art of Myka Jelina. You must have a license to use her art which you can get here:
PTU Scrapkit called Steampunk Sas from A Taggers Scrap.  You can find this kit here: Thanks Jo!
I used my FTU Template #2 called Steampunk, which you can get
Font of your choice.
Let's begin shall we.
Open template, select your papers to fill your template. I have selected the following. Paper 10 for big circle. Paper 20 for center. Paper 7 for the little circles. Paper 20 for top and bottom gears. And paper 18 for the thin rectangular bars one and two.
Select tube. I resized my tube to (200x200) and placed them in between the small circle and the gears. I erased the portion of the tube I didn’t use.
Select clock ribbon and paste on top of template.
Select floral#2 and resize to (200x185) placed at top right side and lower left side.
Select Monocles and resize to (200x185) place on top of small circle tubes.
Select Zeppelin, resize to (300x130) place at the top of your tag.
Select glasses #2, resize to (100x75) and place were you want.
Select decor5, resize to (300x300). Place behind template and duplicate 3 time and place in all four corners.
Select butterflies and place behind template. Put in top left of tag. Duplicate and place in lower right hand side of tag.   
Add name.

Add url, copywrite and watermark.

Resize, merge layers visible.

Save as PNG.
And woohoo, you are finished!
Thank you for trying my tutorial. I would love to see your results and would love to post them on my blog. Contact information is listed on this home page.
©Signature Collections-Tutorials By Victoria

Steampunk Travel - Scrapbook Version

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring - Scrapbook Version

FTU Tutorial - Spring

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tuts is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against our TOU's.
This tutorial was written in 2011. This tutorial is copyrighted to Signature Collections Tutorials By Victoria and is registered with Tutorial Writers Inc.

Supplies Needed:
Tubes of your choice. I used the art of Dean Yeagle. You must have a license to use his art which you can get here:
FTU scrapkit from A Taggers Scrap that is her part of the Gothic Inspirations blogtrain you can download this kit here: Thanks Jo!
Mask of choice. I used my mask11, which you can get
Font of your choice.
Plug-ins Xero - Porcelain
Let's begin shall we.
File new 600x600.  I used paper#10. Apply my mask#11. Merge mask layer visable.
Resize Frame# 3 (400x415) and place on top of mask and promote to a new layer, select none. Go to effects and give it a drop shadow.
Select your tube. Resize your tube to fit into your frame paste as new layer. Duplicate your frame and place your tube in between them. Select your eraser tool and go to your top layer frame and erase the portion of the frame to expose your tube. Then select your tube layer and erase the unwanted portion of the tube.
Select grass and paste as new layer. Duplicate layer 3 times and arrange them at the bottom of your frame making it look like a window.
Select and resize bird (100x82) paste as a new layer. I placed the bird by my tube so it looks like she is looking at it. Promote to a layer and select none. I also duplicated the bird two more times and placed them randomly.
Select word art (spring) paste as a new layer and place at the top of your tag. Promote as layer and select none.
Merge all visible layers. Go to effects, select plug-ins, Xero, and porcelain. Pick your own setting.
Add name place to bottom of the grass.

Add url, copywrite and watermark.

Resize, merge layers visible.

Save as PNG.
And woohoo, you are finished!
Thank you for trying my tutorial. I would love to see your results and would love to post them on my blog. Contact information is listed on this home page.
©Signature Collections-Tutorials By Victoria